Osteopathic Manual Practitioner
Neil Melanson, DOMP, D.Sc.O, RMT, SEP
Osteopathy (Manual Practice/OMT) Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
With a career spanning more than twenty years as a therapist, Neil brings extensive experience, education and compassion to his practice. At its best, therapy should be customized for the patient, safe, effective, consent-oriented, light-hearted, and attend to the whole person.
Through extensive education and mentoring in the field of Massage Therapy, Osteopathy and Somatic Experiencing, Neil delivers just that. He is a great resource for patients who want to find their way out of pain, regain the feelings of calmness and confidence in their body, and feel the joy of moving freely again.
New patients are often referred to Neil for all types of simple or complex musculoskeletal and neurological impairments, stress management, somatic symptoms of anxiety and depression, chronic pain, athletic injuries and he has many patients in his roster who come in simply to maintain peak health. Neil treats adolescents to retirees, elite athletes to desk workers, and patients in acute distress and those with longstanding conditions. He offers in-clinic treatments, as well as tele-health appointments for those who cannot attend in person.
Neil graduated from ICT Northumberland College, and the College d’Études Osteopathique (CEO) in Halifax, is a member in good standing with the OAO (Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners). He also completed the 3-year training program to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner in the Spring of 2022. He also is an Expert level John F. Barnes Myofascial Release Approach™ therapist.